Monday 25 July 2011

heaven on earth

This past week in Cape Town has been truly amazing. We braaid (aka barbequed) on Thursday at a friends house. They do this a lot here, and I love it! Good people, food and drinks is such a great way to spend the afternoon! On Saturday we went down to Long street, which is where a bunch of clubs and bars are and we danced allllll night, it was really fun! Saturday we got sushi, which is like $4 a roll here, and we planned on staying in but then ended up meeting up with a local named Boom, who is a friend of my friend who was here last semester, and he took us to a pretty cool lounge in observatory (obs). Here they played really cool African music and we ended up dancing all night and meeting a bunch of local cape townians! On Sunday, the locals drove me to this event called MZOLIS, which is located in one of the townships. It is basically this huge braai, where they serve beer, lots of meat, bread, and some mash potato dish that is delicious. They play African house music and everybody dances and drinks all day, it was such a fun day! I went to bed early last night because I had my first day of classes today. I got a little lost on campus but everything ended up working out. I only have one class Mondays but I did figure out where most of the buildings were and got my ID card as well. Campus was crazy busy, but I loved it! Im not used to seeing so many people around, since santa cruz is so spread out. The people who go to UCT are absolutely GORGEOUS. Everyone is also SO nice. One of my friends got walked to class by a local and everyone you pass smiles and says hello. The boys here are gorgeous. Tall, tan, and hansome, with just the right amount of scruff, and they know how to dress well, which seems to be such a struggle for most boys in America these days. When you leave America, you realize that chivalry is still very much alive. I was walking down the sidewalk with a local man yesterday and he wouldn’t let me walk on the side of the sidewalk that is closest to the cars. A young guy in America would never ever know to do that! I can definitely get used to living here. Next weekend I am attending the Stellenbosch wine festival, which is apparently a big deal, and so much fun. I just have to get through the first week of school and then much more fun to come!

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