Wednesday 10 August 2011

National Women's Day =Long Weekend!

This past weekend was a long, relaxing one. Friday we had a party at our house!

 Saturday was spent at the "old biscuit mill" which is like a farmer's market with a lot of good food and shops. After that we relaxed in our backyard and then went to a friend's birthday party in Obs. Sunday we went hiking up the trail that goes up to table mountain. Although we didn't make it to the top, we still had fun eating lunch by this waterfall:
 taking lots of pictures!
 climbing cool African trees...
 and relaxing on the grass in the Kirstenbosch Gardens!
 Monday, we actually had school, but I only had one class and then hit the gym on campus for the first time with my friend Lieke, who is from Holland, which turned out to be pretty fun, believe it or not! The gym here is small but at least they play music videos for some form of entertainment while I ran for 40 minutes (I cant believe I can run for that long!). Not that I needed the entertainment, because Lieke turns out to be the best/ most hilarious gym partner of all time! In the 20 minutes she was running with me, she manages to accidently hit the emergency stop button 3 times and running into the machine. I almost had to stop running I was laughing so hard. And then every single time she goes, "I am not used to this, we dont have this in Holland!" It is taking her a little while to get used to the way things are done here, but she is getting there! (LOVE YOU LIEKS :)) After that we watched this guy use this machine which requires him to bend over and continuously lift his butt into the air. After that, we both lost it and had to leave the gym due to uncontrollable laughter. Monday night we went to a Braai (bbq) at a friends house but I left early to go rest up for shark cage diving at 4:30 the next morning! Having the day off of school (thanks to all the beautiful women in South Africa!) spent getting up 2 hours before the crack of dawn (which is not really my thing) to see some sharks!
 baby shark!
 even though the water was freezing, it was worth it to see a HUGE shark that was probably up to 5 meters long! (p.s. the metric system is kicking my ass)
 sorry mom for not telling you I was doing this, but i knew you would probably have a heart attack!
dont worry i'm alive!

Wednesday 3 August 2011

wine festival!

Last weekend we traveled to Stellenbosch (a small college town about an hour away from Cape Town) for a wine festival! It turned out to be a perfect day, filled with A LOT of wine tasting, great food, and people.

on the train ride to Stellenbosch

